Does physical therapy actually help reduce pain?

Does Physical Therapy Help Pain?

Pain is a normal reaction that your body has to injuries and some medical issues. It can also be caused by restrictions in soft tissue, and there are many treatment options available for pain. However, physical therapy could be your best bet for reducing pain in many cases. 

First, let’s answer the question on everybody’s mind: “Does physical therapy actually help reduce pain?” Medical research has shown that the answer is yes. One study reports that patients who have an average of four weeks of physical therapy reported significant pain relief. Additionally, these same patients report improved range of motion and physical ability. 

How does physical therapy actually help reduce pain?

The key to how physical therapy reduces pain and other symptoms is the personalized therapy plan. Therapists customize these plans to a patient’s individual needs. The plans combine multiple beneficial therapy techniques, including: 

  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) IASTM is a therapy method that uses specially designed tools. Therapists use these tools to put therapeutic pressure on soft tissue. This can help break down scar tissue in healing injuries and reduce soft tissue tension. One study reports that IASTM helped reduce pain for a volleyball player with rib cartilage inflammation (NIH, 2014).
  • Manual therapy — This technique is also known as hands-on therapy. It involves therapists using their hands to mobilize joints and manipulate soft tissue. Manual therapy can be very effective for pain. Researchers report that people with ankle sprains who had manual therapy included in their treatment plan had a 70% reduction in pain in just four weeks. 
  • Therapeutic exercise — Another potent technique in a physical therapist’s arsenal is therapeutic exercise. There are hundreds of exercises your therapist could include in your therapy plan. They’re designed to address pain and tension in various parts of the body. One medical study showed that therapeutic exercises performed over a four-week period led to significant knee pain reduction.

Advent Physical Therapy is ready to help reduce your pain

Are you ready to find out if physical therapy can actually help reduce your pain? Our team at Advent Physical Therapy is here to assist you. We’ll start you off by having you come into one of our clinics for a free screening. Our team will then create a personalized therapy plan for you that’s designed to treat your specific symptoms. 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule your free screening.