Ergonomic Screenings

What are ergonomics?

When it comes to ergonomics, our focus is on improving posture, energy efficiency, and body mechanics (the way you move), as well as making necessary adjustments, modifications, and changes to reduce and prevent further pain and injury. 

What kind of injuries are we talking about?

The typical American employee may face one of many common injuries: 

Why is it important?

While it’s not possible to completely eliminate one’s risk for sustaining injuries, it’s important to note that poor posture, excessive sedentary behavior, and improper workspace setup all contribute to these conditions.

Ergonomics is not just for the workplace. In truth, everyone needs to have a healthy awareness of good ergonomics in their daily lives, while doing everything from using their smartphone to driving to playing sports.

What is the ergonomic screening?

This ergonomic screening will help you and your team to best utilize the existing work spaces to improve your posture, energy efficiency, and the way you move. While we can’t prevent every work injury we want to be your resource in work place comfort, efficiency and healing if needed. Our team will spend five minutes with each employee and make personalized recommendations.

Request your office ergonomic screening today!