Find workers’ compensation physical therapy in west Michigan

Workers’ Compensation Therapy

Workers’ compensation physical therapy may be a service you didn’t know was available in west Michigan. However, there’s a physical therapy team in town that can help you with this and other therapy services.

Our Advent Physical Therapy team can help you find many types of high-quality physical therapy. After 23 years in business, we’ve developed a process that allows us to treat many types of injuries and medical conditions. The first step in this process is performing a comprehensive evaluation, and this will allow us to see what your issue is and how it’s affecting your body. Our next step is to sit down with you and listen to any questions, concerns or therapy goals you have. Finally, our team will use the information gathered in steps one and two to build you a personalized therapy plan. One type of therapy plan we use this process for is when creating workers’ compensation physical therapy plans in our any of our clinics.

Three reasons to use our workers’ compensation physical therapy plans

Across the U.S., millions of workers every year have to deal with workers’ compensation injuries. If you’re one of these workers, you don’t want to spend any more time out of work than you have to. Workers’ compensation physical therapy plans from Advent Physical Therapy can help you deal with your injury for three reasons.

One reason our plans can help you deal with a work injury is we have experience dealing with the workers’ compensation process. For instance, there are some basic steps you’ll have to take to have a successful claim. First, you’ll need to make sure to report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. Next, you’ll have to fill out and turn in any relevant paperwork or documentation for your claim. You’ll also need to see a company-approved doctor and have them provide a written recommendation for physical therapy.

Another reason we can help you is we can treat many types of work injuries. For example, our team has a wealth of experience dealing with workplace injuries like:

  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Sciatica
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Bone fractures

What’s even better is this is just a few of the injuries our team can help workers treat.

A third reason you should consider physical therapy with us if you have a workplace injury is the many benefits our plans are designed to offer. For instance, one benefit our plans have had for many workers is to help their injuries heal faster. This means that you may have to spend less time out of work if you use one of our plans. Also, these plans are designed to reduce the pain you experience from the injury. Another benefit our plans may offer is helping you find ways to avoid similar injuries in the future.

If you’re looking for workers’ compensation physical therapy, our team at Advent Physical Therapy is ready to help you. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.