Treating balance disorders with physical therapy in Ada, MI

balance disorders ada michigan

Everyone loses their balance every now and then, but some people experience conditions that cause chronic loss of balance. Conditions that cause imbalance may include other symptoms like:

  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • The feeling of falling
  • Disorientation
  • Stumbling while walking

These symptoms can make it difficult to get through your daily life and, in some cases, can even be hazardous. The inability to balance can lead to falls or collisions that may cause harm. Fortunately, it is possible to treat many balance disorders with the help of physical therapy

Physical therapy treatments for balance disorders

Physical therapists are health care professionals who specialize in treating conditions that affect your musculoskeletal system. This includes your bones, joints, and soft tissue that all play a role in your ability to balance.

At Advent Physical Therapy in Ada, Michigan, our physical therapists develop personalized treatments to help people treat or manage to live with imbalance. Each treatment is unique, but, generally, you can expect treatment to include:

  • Therapeutic exercise — Physical therapists can guide you through gentle exercises for improving muscular strength and flexibility, especially in the core and pelvic region. Stronger muscles in these key areas can help improve your ability to remain stable.

  • Posture education — The symptoms of your balance disorder may be more severe than normal due to poor posture. Physical therapists can identify areas of your posture that could use improvement and can teach you how to correct them.

  • Lifestyle guidance — Physical therapists can provide guidance for making some adjustments in footwear, clothing and the layout of your home to reduce your chances of falling due to imbalance.

  • Guidance for using assistive devices — Sometimes it’s necessary to use assistive devices like canes, crutches or walkers to get around safely. Physical therapists can show you how to safely use these devices to minimize the risk of harm from misuse. 

Visit Advent Physical Therapy in Ada for balance disorder treatment

Do you have difficulty balancing or experience other symptoms like dizziness and the sensation of falling? Our team at Advent Physical Therapy in Ada can help. Contact our team today for more information about treating balance disorders or to schedule an initial appointment.