Why does my lower back ache more in the morning?

Lower Back Ache

Your alarm goes off, and you sit up in bed, throw your arms up to stretch and your lower back twinges. Sound familiar? If it does, you’re one of the millions of Americans who have a lower back that aches in the morning. 

Unfortunately, Americans are no strangers to lower back pain. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) reports that more than 31 million U.S. adults are experiencing lower back pain at any given time. Many of these people tend to have an increased level of pain when they first wake up in the morning. 

Physical therapists can help you learn why your lower back aches more in the morning, and they can help you find effective ways to address your aching lower back, too. 

Four reasons your lower back aches more in the morning: 

  1. You haven’t been moving — Your muscles are more likely to stiffen up after you’ve been still for a long period of time. This is one reason why your lower back often feels stiffer in the morning. 
  1. You have less blood flow — Many of your body’s functions slow down while you’re sleeping, including blood flow. Decreased blood flow can often lead to greater stiffness when you wake up after sleeping for hours. 
  1. You’re sleeping in a poor position — You might be surprised how much your sleeping position has to do with your lower back aching. For instance, side sleeping can lead to spinal misalignment, especially if you have an old mattress. This misalignment can lead to sore lower back muscles in the morning. 
  1. You have a chronic issue — Back pain that’s worse in the morning may also be a sign of a chronic problem. Often, this problem is that you’re one of the up to 85% of people who have lumbar (lower back) spine osteoarthritis. 

Advent PT offers treatment that can help address your lower back pain

Tired of waking up to an aching lower back every morning? Our Advent Physical Therapy team is primed to help you ease your stiffness and pain. We’ll start by doing a free screening on your lower back to pinpoint the source of your symptoms. Then, our top-notch physical therapists will build you customized therapy plan, and your plan may include therapy methods like: 

Contact our team today for more information about the treatment options we offer for lower back pain or to schedule your initial appointment.