Visiting a PT specialist for TMJ dysfunction near you can have these 5 benefits

5 Benefits of Seeking a PT Specialist for TMJ Dysfunction

If you’re trying to enjoy your lunch but your jaw aches with every bite, there’s a chance that you have TMJ dysfunction. You might assume that an issue with your jaw requires the help of a dentist, but that’s not necessarily the case. Even though a dentist can diagnose you with TMJ dysfunction, a PT specialist will actually provide the most help with treating your symptoms.

Many people associate physical therapy with large problem areas on the body, such as the back or legs. But a PT specialist can help with nearly every part of the body, including the jaw. We’re here to explore the benefits that you can gain by visiting a PT specialist near you for TMJ.

Read on to learn about the basics of TMJ dysfunction, the potential causes of the condition and why you should seek the help of a PT specialist for TMJ issues. 

What is TMJ dysfunction?

TMJ dysfunction, sometimes known as TMJD, TMJ syndrome or simply TMJ, refers to temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The temporomandibular joint functions as a sliding hinge that joins your skull with your jawbone. TMJ dysfunction affects the movement of the joint as well as the surrounding muscles.

TMJ dysfunction affects up to 12% of the population, causing a variety of symptoms that can interfere with their quality of life. Not only does it make it painful to eat your food, it becomes painful to do any movement that causes you to open wide, such as laughing or yawning.

The symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include:

  • Jaw pain.
  • Clicking or popping noises from the joint.
  • Limited jaw movement or feeling like it’s locked.
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear).

Potential causes and risk factors of TMJ dysfunction

While determining the cause of a condition like TMJ dysfunction can provide a bit of comfort, research hasn’t been able to pinpoint an exact cause. It’s believed that trauma to the joint or jaw can contribute to the development of TMJ dysfunction. 

TMJD may be a symptom of other medical conditions, including:

  • Joint erosion.
  • Arthritis.
  • Growth disorders
  • Teeth clenching or grinding.
  • Structural jaw issues.
  • Cervical spine (neck) mobility restrictions.

There are also a few factors that can increase the risk of developing TMJ dysfunction, including:

  • Prolonged or excessive stress.
  • Poor posture that strains the face and neck muscles.
  • Joint hypermobility.

5 benefits of seeking a PT specialist for TMJ dysfunction

Physical therapy is often the first course of action for pain relief of any kind, including TMJ dysfunction. A PT specialist for TMJ dysfunction can help alleviate the symptoms that are interfering with your day-to-day lifestyle. 

Even though the jaw pain and limited mobility can fade on their own over time, a PT specialist can accelerate the process.

Here are five benefits of booking an appointment with a PT specialist when you’re dealing with TMJ dysfunction:


  • Determine the cause — While a dentist or physician can diagnose you with TMJ dysfunction, a PT specialist can carry out a comprehensive evaluation to see how certain upper body structures could be contributing to your symptoms, such as your neck (cervical spine), shoulder girdle and thoracic spine.

  • Restore function — One of the main goals of physical therapy for TMJ dysfunction is to restore your jaw joint’s function and mobility. A PT specialist can help the function of your temporomandibular joint by improving the interaction between the affected muscles and joints.

  • Alleviate pain — If you’re seeking help from a PT specialist for your TMJ dysfunction, it’s probably because the pain has become unbearable. They can help alleviate your jaw joint and muscle pain with a variety of techniques, including exercises, dry needling and joint mobilization.

  • Improve posture — By improving your posture, you can decrease the amount of stress placed on the neck and face muscles that can contribute to your TMJ dysfunction symptoms. A physical therapist can help you make adjustments to your posture as well as walk you through exercises that will strengthen the muscles to increase support.

  • Learn dietary changes — Not being able to eat your favorite crunchy foods without pain is one of the worst parts about TMJ dysfunction. A PT specialist can help you make the necessary dietary changes to reduce the stress on your jaw joints and muscles to accelerate the healing process.

Find a PT specialist near you for TMJ dysfunction at Advent Physical Therapy

TMJ dysfunction can cause pain and reduced jaw mobility that can make it hard to eat, laugh or even yawn. But with treatment techniques like targeted exercises and manual therapy, an Advent PT specialist near you can alleviate the symptoms and get you back to enjoying your food without wincing with every bite. 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.