A brief overview of physical therapy treatments for lymphedema


Swelling in one of the arms or legs can develop after one of your lymph nodes are damaged or removed to treat cancer. This swelling is known as lymphedema, and it is a condition that affects millions of people around the world.

Isolated incidents of swelling usually go away when the condition causing the swelling receives treatment. However, since lymphedema is related to the removal or damaging of the lymph node, the swelling that occurs can be permanent. Even so, treatment from a physical therapist can help manage it. 

Physical therapy treatments for lymphedema

Lymphedema has no cure. Anti-inflammatory medications may help in some cases, but most people with the condition will need physical therapy to help manage the swelling. Physical therapy also helps reduce the pain caused by the swelling and improve your range of motion in the affected limbs. 

Physical therapy treatments for lymphedema are different on a case-by-case basis, but they generally include:

  • Therapeutic exercise — Gentle exercises of the limb affected by lymphedema can promote the drainage of lymph fluid. These exercises are designed to match your pace, so you can regain the ability to perform normal daily tasks like changing clothes or bathing without assistance.
  • Manual therapy — Physical therapists can gently mobilize and manipulate the tissues in the limb with lymphedema to help keep lymph fluid from building up. These techniques also work to reduce tension in the muscles, which helps with pain and can improve your range of motion.
  • Compression — Physical therapists may recommend wearing a compression garment or wrapping your limb with a compression bandage. Compressing the limb can encourage the lymph fluid to circulate through the lymphatic system instead of building up in your limb. 

Visit Advent Physical Therapy for lymphedema treatment 

Does chronic swelling related to lymphedema affect your ability to enjoy your life? Our team at Advent Physical Therapy can help you manage your swelling so you can regain some independence and enjoy some of your favorite activities again. Contact our team today for more information about lymphedema treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.