The benefits of treating arthritis with physical therapy in Grand Rapids, MI

arthritis physical therapy grand rapids

More than 100 forms of arthritis can damage the cartilage in the joints of your body. When this happens, the bones in your joints rub against one another, which causes pain and a limited range of motion.

Treatments for arthritis pain range from medication all the way to surgery in extreme cases. However, many people with arthritis can benefit from physical therapy treatment instead.

Benefits of treating arthritis with physical therapy

Treating arthritis with physical therapy is beneficial in many ways, including:

  • Decreased dependency on drugs — Medications can be addictive and cause undesirable side-effects that impact your quality of life. Physical therapists can treat arthritis pain and reduce your need for drugs.
  • Lower chance you’ll need surgery — When arthritis pain is severe, surgical intervention may be necessary. However, surgery is invasive, risky and requires a long time for recovery. Physical therapists can treat your arthritis so that surgery may not be necessary.
  • Increased range of motion — Physical therapists use therapeutic stretches and exercises and other techniques in many arthritis treatments. These help improve your flexibility and range of motion.
  • Better joint support — Stretching and exercising the muscles around your joints provides better structural support for the joint. This helps reduce pressure on the joint that can make arthritis pain worse.
  • Improved posture — Arthritis pain can make it difficult to maintain proper posture. Poor posture leads to an increase in arthritis pain and other issues. Physical therapists can examine your posture and identify areas that could use improvement for reducing arthritis pain.
  • Increased safety — Arthritis can increase your risk of falling while moving around, which may cause traumatic injuries. Physical therapists can show you how to safely move around and how to use assistive devices correctly, such as canes and walkers.

Visit Advent Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids for arthritis treatment

At Advent Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids, Michigan, our team is experienced in treating arthritis and other chronic painful conditions. If you have chronic joint pain and would like professional assistance in reducing and preventing it, our team is ready to help. Contact our team today for more information about arthritis treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.