Three factors leading to knee pain when walking up stairs

Knee Pain Walking Up Stairs

Your knees are very important because they’re a major reason your legs can move you around. However, there are many conditions that can cause pain in these joints. One such condition is called chondromalacia or runner’s knee, and this is when the cartilage under the kneecap is damaged. Damage to this cartilage makes it harder for the kneecap to stay in its proper position as the knee moves. In turn, this can lead to knee pain when doing activities like walking up stairs. Three factors increase a person’s risk of developing this type of pain. 

  1. Overuse

Knee pain when walking up stairs often develops from overusing the knee joint. Overuse is especially common in people who do lots of repetitive knee movements, which is why runners are more prone to develop chondromalacia and its painful symptoms. As you might expect, walking up stairs too frequently can also lead to this condition. This means that people like sports stadium food vendors are very likely to get chondromalacia. 

  1. Knee misalignment

Another factor that can lead to runner’s knee and knee pain when walking up stairs is knee misalignment. Kneecaps that aren’t aligned properly cause pain because they rub against other structures in the knee. Usually, the cartilage in the knee cushions the kneecap from this sort of rubbing, but it’s not able to do so when the kneecap is out of alignment. In many cases, the misalignment of the kneecap can be caused by weak muscles in the thighs or calves. Consequently, people who have a genetic issue called muscular dystrophy can easily develop runner’s knee even if they don’t run.  

  1. Knee injury

The cartilage damage associated with chondromalacia can also come from a knee injury; in other words, knee pain when walking up stairs could be a symptom of a knee injury. An example of an injury that can cause this condition to develop is a blow to the knee while playing sports. In addition, falling on your knee at home or work can lead to runner’s knee, and car accident injuries that involve the knee can also cause cartilage damage. You should be on the lookout for symptoms of chondromalacia after injuring your knee in any of these ways. 

Who can help treat knee pain you feel while walking up stairs?

At Advent Physical Therapy, our team has experience helping people with many forms of knee pain, and this includes knee pain people feel when walking up stairs. We’ll start your treatment process by having you come into one of our 14 West Michigan clinics for a free screening. Then, our team will create an individualized treatment plan for your pain, and this plan will typically include many beneficial therapy methods, such as: 

Don’t wait any longer to start getting our help with your knee pain. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.