Two vestibular therapy exercises for vertigo in Ada, MI

Vestibular Therapy for Vertigo

Every time you get up from a chair you feel like the room is spinning around you. Sometimes moving your head too quickly leads to the same sensation. If these sound like things you deal with on a daily basis in Ada, Michigan, you probably have vertigo. This condition is typically the result of an inner ear issue, and there are several techniques useful for treating it. However, two types of exercises typically included in vestibular therapy for vertigo can be especially helpful. 

1.   Habituation exercises

When a person experiences vertigo, it’s often because an inner ear issue is sending false signals to the brain. For instance, a condition called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is caused by calcium carbonate crystals moving around in the inner ear fluid. The movement of these crystals sends a signal to the brain that you’re moving very fast, even though you aren’t. 

Habituation exercises are a vestibular therapy technique that can help the brain deal with false signals that cause vertigo. These exercises are focused on dealing with vertigo caused by certain movements or visual cues. The goal of these exercises is to repeatedly expose you to movements and visual situations that cause mild to moderate vertigo. Over time, the exposure habituation exercises can help teach your brain to ignore the false signals that lead to vertigo. 

2.   Balance training exercises

Balance training exercises are also often used in vestibular therapy for vertigo. The goal of these exercises is to help patients overcome physical limitations imposed by this condition. They’re also designed to help people with vertigo better maintain their balance during normal daily activities. Balance training exercises can also help decrease your risk of falling because of vertigo symptoms. 

Your therapist might have you practice walking on an uneven surface. At first, this may involve the use of an assistance device to decrease the risk of falling. Over time, the assistance device can be gradually phased out as your body adapts to this activity. In turn, this can lead to an increase in your confidence. Other activities that these exercises can target are things like standing up from a chair, bending down and reaching for objects. 

Find the vestibular therapy you need for vertigo at Advent Physical Therapy in Ada, MI

Our Advent Physical Therapy clinic in Ada has a team of physical therapists who can help you deal with vertigo and many other medical conditions and injuries. The first step we’ll take in your treatment process with us is to do a free screening. This is intended to help us get to know you and your needs. Then, we’ll build you an individualized therapy plan designed to target the issues vertigo is causing you. 

Take the next step to get our help with your balance issues. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.