What are some benefits of trying dry needling near me?

Dry Needling Near Me

Dry needling is a form of physical therapy that is often misunderstood. It is a technique that licensed physical therapists use to help patients who are suffering from painful and stiff muscles. The therapist inserts a sterile, stainless steel needle directly into the muscle, which stimulates movement and circulation. This helps to not only reduce pain, but also increase circulation and relax muscles that are tight and stiff.

Many people confuse dry needling with another practice known as acupuncture. While the two have some similarities, they are not used for the same purpose and are not practiced by the same specialists. Acupuncture specialists rely on needling to promote balance in the body, while physical therapists use dry needling to promote pain relief.

Does dry needling hurt?

Dry needling is intended to reduce the pain that comes from sore muscles, pressure points and other muscular conditions. While some patients might be put off by the idea of inserting a needle into their skin, the process of dry needling does not cause much pain with the majority of patients.

Some patients may feel soreness in their muscles after dry needling. But the act of inserting the needle should not hurt at all. Most patients report that the brief soreness they feel after dry needling therapy is a great improvement from the pain they felt 

What conditions can be treated with dry needling?

Your physical therapist can use dry needling to help treat a wide array of muscular conditions. Dry needling helps relieve the pain from these conditions by causing the muscles to spasm. These spasms are what helps stiff muscles to loosen and blood flow to increase to the affected area. This helps relieve pain and restore your muscle’s flexibility. Some of the conditions that dry needling can treat include:

  • Pressure points.
  • Shoulder impingements.
  • Tendinitis.
  • Plantar fasciitis. 
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Tennis elbow.

Where can I turn for dry needling therapy near me?

If you are suffering from shoulder pain, arm and elbow pain, or back pain due to stiff muscles, turn to the experts at Advent Physical Therapy for help. Our team has years of experience in treating painful conditions using dry needling and other trusted physical therapy methods, including:

  • McKenzie Method®.
  • Therapeutic exercise.
  • Posture and gait training.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.