What to expect from physical therapy for arthritis in Ada, MI

Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis causes pain in the joints that makes it difficult for you to move. This makes many daily tasks more challenging, including walking or getting dressed. Unfortunately, arthritis has no cure, but there are treatments that can help. One treatment that many people with arthritis choose is physical therapy.

Physical therapists specialize in methods for treating arthritis pain and improving your range of motion without using drugs or invasive surgical procedures. At Advent Physical Therapy in Ada, Michigan, our treatments for arthritis vary depending on the individual needs of each patient.

Physical therapy treatments for arthritis

If you visit us for help with your arthritis pain, we will examine your condition to make sure you get the personalized treatment you need, which may include:

  • Stretches and exercises — Stiff and weak muscles often increase the pressure on your joints that can make your arthritis pain worse. Improving the strength and flexibility of these muscles provides better support for the joints, which helps reduce pain and improve your range of motion.
  • Joint mobilization — Physical therapists can use joint mobilization techniques to manipulate the joints into different positions to release pressure and improve your flexibility. This can help reduce pain and improve your ability to move your joints.
  • Posture education — Standing, sitting and sleeping with poor posture can contribute to an increase in arthritis pain. Physical therapists can identify areas in which your posture can be improved and can help you make corrections. This may result in less pressure on your joints, which helps reduce your pain.
  • Balance assistance — Sometimes, arthritis can make it difficult for you to balance or to stand on your own. In these cases, you may need to use assistive devices like a walker or a cane. Using these devices can be challenging if you’ve never done it before, but physical therapists can help you learn how to use them safely.

Visit Advent Physical Therapy in Ada, MI, for arthritis treatment

If you suffer from arthritis pain, there’s more than just medication and surgery for treatment. At Advent Physical Therapy in Ada, we can help you reduce your arthritis pain to decrease your dependency on medicine and so that surgery might not be necessary. Contact our team today for more information about arthritis treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.