Who is likely to feel pain on the pinky side of their hand?

Pain on Pinky Side of Hand

Our hands are delicate structures that allow us to perform a variety of tasks every day. We may take our hands for granted if we don’t experience hand pain. However, when we do feel pain or discomfort in our hands, we realize just how important they are for everything from brushing our teeth to driving our cars. If you feel pain on the pinky side of your hand, you’re probably wondering what could be causing it. There are a few different causes for hand and wrist pain, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the different conditions that commonly affect the hands.

Are you wondering who is likely to feel pain on the pinky side of their hand? Learning about different hand conditions is the first step to determining the best approach to treating your hand pain. 

What could be causing pain on the pinky side of your hand?

Certain people suffer from hand pain more than others. This usually has to do with two factors: age and occupation. Wear and tear increases with age, so older populations tend to experience more pain caused by degradation of joints like the wrist. This results in a common condition known as osteoarthritis. It’s important to note that wrist conditions can cause pain on the pinky side of the hand. 

Occupation is the other common risk factor for hand pain. Jobs that entail a lot of time spent typing or at a computer can often cause hand and wrist pain, as do physically demanding jobs or frequent participation in sports. If you work physically demanding jobs like construction or participate in sports frequently, then you’re at an increased risk for hand pain. In fact, 24% of people with physically demanding occupations like these experience hand or wrist pain. The most common causes of hand pain caused by physically demanding work are: 

However, it is also important to realize that it’s not just physically demanding jobs that can result in pain on the pinky side of the hand. You can also develop a condition that causes hand pain from repetitive motions. If your job includes typing, working at a checkout counter where you scan items, or using tools every day, then you can develop a repetitive strain injury. These happen gradually and over time, and can cause hand pain. 

Advent Physical Therapy is prepared to manage your hand pain 

If you are experiencing pain on the pinky side of your hand, then physical therapy can help. Since our hands are so important for daily life, physical therapy is an option for managing hand pain and helping treat your underlying condition. Our team at Advent Physical Therapy is experts in treating hand pain. We are prepared to develop a personalized treatment plan for your hand or wrist condition. 

Contact our team today for more information about hand pain or to schedule an initial appointment.