Why do I have shoulder and upper arm pain?

Shoulder and Upper Arm Pain

The answer to this question is not always obvious, and it can change from person to person. However, these facts don’t change how important figuring out why you have shoulder and upper arm pain is. 

Shoulder pain is one of the most common types of pain. Medical researchers estimate that up to 31% of Americans have shoulder pain in any given month. Shoulder pain can also radiate into your upper arm through the nerves that connect these two areas. A physical therapist can help you figure out what is causing your shoulder and upper arm pain, and they can also offer effective treatment options for your pain.  

Five issues that can cause shoulder and upper arm pain

There are many issues that can lead to discomfort in the shoulder and upper arm. Some of the more common of these issues are: 

  1. Rotator cuff injuries — The rotator cuff, made up of four muscles and tendons, helps lift your arm. Sports players are especially likely to develop a rotator cuff injury. 
  1. Cervical nerve irritation/impingement — A study reports that this issue occurs in about 85 in every 100,000 Americans annually. It happens when one of the nerve roots in the neck is pinched or irritated. 
  1. Frozen shoulder — This condition causes progressive stiffness and pain in the shoulder. Frozen shoulder is more common in people over 40 and those who have previously injured their shoulder. 
  1. Shoulder osteoarthritis — Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in a joint naturally wears away over time. It’s estimated that about 33% of people over 60 have some level of shoulder osteoarthritis. 
  1. Brachial neuritis — This issue occurs when the brachial nerves that control your shoulder and arm become inflamed. Brachial neuritis affects a person’s dominant arm 60% of the time. 

What physical therapy methods can help your shoulder and upper arm pain?

Treating your shoulder and upper arm discomfort can be accomplished in many ways. Your physical therapist might decide to use treatment techniques on you such as: 

Find help for your shoulder pain at Advent Physical Therapy

Are your shoulder and upper arm in pain? Our team at Advent PT can help you find treatment that can effectively reduce your pain. We’ll start by performing a free screening that can pinpoint the cause of your pain. Then, our physical therapists will create a unique therapy plan for you designed to decrease your pain and prevent its return. 

Don’t want to leave home to get your shoulder pain treated? That’s no problem! Our team offers therapy services you can use right in your home, including at-home care and virtual therapy. 

Contact our team today for more information about our shoulder pain treatment services or to schedule your initial appointment.