3 categories that common car accident injuries fall into

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause serious and even life-threatening injuries, including head injuries, neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, organ damage and traumatic brain injury. But there are many others that can occur as well. In fact, the CDC reports that there are more than 2 million car accident-related injuries in the United States every year.

Some of the most common car accident injuries fall into three categories — soft tissue damage, bone breaks, and internal injuries.

  1. Soft tissue damage Injuries can include sprains, strains and broken blood vessels. They’re usually caused by sudden movements or jolting in a crash and usually heal well with time and rest. Whiplash is a stretching and tearing of the ligaments that connect your neck to your spine. Tears in these ligaments can cause muscle spasms, stiffness, tingling, burning or weakness. The pain can radiate into the neck, shoulders, upper back and even the arms.
  1. Broken bones — The most common broken bones in auto accidents are the femur, humerus and spine. Although most small breaks are minor and heal on their own, larger breaks can require surgery or stabilization with metal hardware. Broken bones are usually accompanied by extreme pain, swelling and discoloration around the injured area. Bone injuries may also cause nerve damage and infections, which need prompt medical treatment to prevent permanent loss of function.
  1. Internal injuries — These are potentially more serious injuries. They occur when organs or other body structures are damaged by the impact of a crash. Organs that can be impacted can include the heart, lungs and kidneys. Trauma effects on internal organs are often hidden until further tests are performed during an exam or at a hospital emergency room visit after a car accident injury occurs. These common car accident injuries often result in extended recovery times and can limit your ability to work or play sports during recovery.


There are many common car accident injuries people may experience. So, even if you have a car accident that is not severe, it is always a good idea to have a physical examination, in order to detect an issue that could flare up in the days and weeks ahead.

You don’t have to be at a loss when it comes to common car accident injuries. At Advent Physical Therapy, we are here to help develop an effective treatment plan for your injury. Contact us today to schedule your free screening.