3 components to include in your personal wellness program

Wellness Program

A physical therapy-based wellness program is a wonderful choice for anyone seeking to improve their overall health and wellness. Physical therapists provide a high level of care and expertise to help patients achieve their desired results.

Different options exist for different people. Some people have specific goals — weight loss, improved fitness or overall wellness. Others simply want to live healthier lives without having to make substantial lifestyle changes all at once. You may want something that encourages sustainable change over the long term or provides you with the necessary tools to develop your own plan over time.


The components of a wellness program

A physical therapy wellness program is a proactive approach to managing patients’ physical health and well-being. Here three areas of focus:

  1. Physical therapy — You will be evaluated by a physical therapist who will customize a wellness program to address your concerns. Your physical therapist will measure how your body uses fuel at rest and during exercise as part of this evaluation. Based on this information, together you can develop an exercise plan that targets specific energy systems to help you reach your fitness goals.
  2. Nutrition — You will be connected with a registered dietician who can provide you with a nutritional plan based on your specific goals. After meeting with your registered dietician, you’ll be given a plan to help with your progress and follow-up.
  3. Motivation — We will also provide you with a counselor to help manage your motivation and attend to any other related needs you may have. When you meet with your counselor, they’ll help you formulate and implement a plan that fits your needs.


The physical therapy-based wellness program will help you improve your health and overall well-being. This new program will teach you how to exercise to help you get more robust and more flexible. They’ll also educate you on the type of diet and nutrition that can help your body stay healthy for years to come.

If you are seeking to improve your overall wellness, it may be time to turn to a licensed physical therapist for help. Come by any one of Advent Physical Therapy’s West Michigan clinics for a free screening. Our team will customize a wellness plan to not only increase your overall well-being but also help reduce pain that may need to be addressed.


Contact our team today for more information on how physical therapy can help you.