5 signs you need outpatient physical therapy

Back Pain Sciatica out patient physical therapy

Outpatient physical therapy is a form of PT that provides treatment to patients dealing with a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Outpatient PT treatment is typically characterized by care provided outside of one’s home. But unlike inpatient physical therapy, it’s typically provided in a clinic rather than a hospital setting. Most patients travel in person to a clinic near them one or more times a week for treatment. Some patients prefer virtual physical therapy services. No matter the mode, PT is designed to help patients build strength, improve their range of motion and improve wellness. Do you think you may need this kind of treatment for your symptoms? Here’s what to know.

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What are some signs that you may benefit from outpatient physical therapy?

There are many indicators that someone might benefit from outpatient physical therapy. Some of the most common signs include:

  • You’re regularly taking pain medications — One of the top signs that you may benefit from outpatient physical therapy is if you take medication to manage your pain. Many musculoskeletal conditions that have been unaddressed can cause chronic pain. Outpatient physical therapy, however, is designed to address the root of your chronic pain so that it can improve without the need to continue medication. Outpatient physical therapy can be effective at alleviating pain so that your quality of life can improve, and you can stop relying on NSAIDs, opioids or other medications to get the relief you need.
  • You’re scheduled for a surgical procedure — Another indicator that you may benefit from outpatient physical therapy is if you anticipate going through a surgical procedure. Physical therapy can be a great resource if you’re preparing for surgery, mainly because it can increase your muscle strength. Building muscle strength before a surgical procedure can reduce the loss of muscle mass that occurs during the recovery. It can also strengthen your body so that the stress of the procedure has less of an impact. Physical therapy is also a good idea if you anticipate needing surgery because, in some cases, it can eliminate the need for surgery altogether. 
  • You’ve recently undergone a surgical procedure — If you have just come out of surgery recently, you may also be a great candidate for outpatient physical therapy. PT can help you regain muscle mass, balance and range of motion and reduce pain in the weeks following your procedure. 
  • You experience symptoms that affect your daily activities — Experiencing symptoms that impair your ability to perform routine tasks, like walking, brushing your teeth and sitting down, is a sign that you could benefit from outpatient physical therapy. Physical therapists specialize in aiding patients who struggle with everyday activities; you can get help strengthening your body, modifying your activities and improving your mobility.
  • You struggle to keep your balance — If you’re vulnerable to frequent falls, you would be likely to see improvements from outpatient physical therapy. Physical therapists know how to correct abnormalities with gait and balance so that you can walk with comfort and confidence.
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What are the benefits of outpatient physical therapy?

Outpatient physical therapy offers the following benefits:

  • Reducing pain.
  • Boosting circulation.
  • Building strength.
  • Improving range of motion.
  • Improving gait and balance.
  • Increasing overall mobility.
  • Preventing injury.

Ready to reap the benefit of outpatient PT? Try treatment with Advent Physical Therapy 

If you’re experiencing one or more of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to consider going to our physical therapists for help. At Advent Physical Therapy, we use a variety of evidence-based PT treatments to help each one of our patients. We aim to improve our patients’ physical condition and quality of life.

We understand how much restoring your physical condition means to you. Whether you’re dealing with an injury or aiming to improve your performance during recreation activity, we can provide you with the assistance that you need. Our physical therapists want to help you reach your unique goals. We’re a team-oriented group of professionals who work with each of our patients jointly to create the best outcomes for all. 

We can create a treatment plan to optimize your health, even years down the line. We value building relationships with our patients and will do our best to maintain your long-term wellness and health. Are you interested in starting treatment with us? Let us provide a free screening to help you address your health.

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Contact our team today for more information on how we can help or to schedule an initial appointment with us.