Chronic neck and shoulder pain: Causes and treatments

Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain Treatment

Research estimates that nearly 80% of people in the U.S. will experience neck pain at some point during their lifetime. Often, with neck pain comes shoulder pain and discomfort, too. Whether neck and shoulder pain occurs one time or becomes chronic, seeking treatment is always a good idea. Do you have chronic neck and shoulder pain? Here are some of the essentials that you should know about the top causes and the best treatments. 

What are some of the conditions that can cause chronic neck and shoulder pain to occur?

There are many reasons why someone might experience chronic neck and shoulder pain. These are some of the most common:

  • Muscle strain Muscle strain can lead a person to develop chronic neck and shoulder pain because the muscles are overused or unable to support the weight they’re being used to hold. Muscle strain is typically caused when a muscle is stretched too far or torn, usually due to overuse, a sports injury or a car accident. Some people who have occupations that require frequent heavy lifting, like furniture movers, are more vulnerable to developing muscle strains in their neck or shoulders. These strains can cause chronic pain and stiffness, especially if left untreated.
  • Cervical herniated disc — A herniated disc is a condition that involves the rubbery nucleus inside of the vertebrae slipping out through a tear. A cervical herniated disc is a nucleus that has ruptured out of a vertebrae in the neck. Some people don’t experience symptoms from their herniated discs. Others may experience nerve compression when the nucleus pushes up against one of the nerves running through their neck or back. In these cases, chronic neck and shoulder pain, stiffness, tingling, and numbness may occur. 
  • Cervical spondylosis — Spondylosis is a term for any condition that involves the spinal discs. Cervical spondylosis involves the spinal discs in the neck. Over time and with age, these discs may become smaller and change shape. It’s usually a result of osteoarthritis in the neck or spine. Cervical spondylosis can be a source of chronic pain in the neck and shoulder. Fortunately, physical therapy treatment can help a person manage their pain.

What treatments may improve someone’s chronic neck and shoulder pain?

There are many treatments available to people with chronic neck and shoulder pain. These noninvasive options are some of the most effective:

  • Physical therapy — Physical therapy is one effective type of treatment for those who are struggling with chronic neck and shoulder pain because it provides various benefits. Some of the main benefits of PT for someone with chronic pain are strengthening the muscles, improving the range of motion, increasing flexibility and lowering pain levels. Physical therapists are experts in using gentle exercise and intentional techniques to treat the source of your pain at the root. They will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan. From there, they’ll work to reduce your uncomfortable symptoms. Physical therapy can also help those who are planning to have surgery or have already undergone surgery for their chronic neck and shoulder pain. Therapists help patients build strength before and after their procedures. Treatment can limit negative effects and reduce the risk of complications. 
  • Manual therapy — Under the umbrella of physical therapy is manual therapy, another treatment that can help chronic neck and shoulder pain. It involves a physical therapist manually manipulating the soft tissue or joints under the skin to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, restore mobility and relieve pain. 
  • Increasing daily movement — Another treatment method that can improve chronic neck and shoulder pain is by increasing daily movement. Some conditions are exacerbated by a lack of regular movement and exercise. Making sure to increase the amount of movement you integrate into your daily routine may prove helpful for your chronic neck and shoulder pain. 

Let Advent Physical Therapy address your chronic shoulder and neck pain

Are you sick of experiencing chronic shoulder and neck pain? Our physical therapists can help. At Advent Physical Therapy, we use a variety of evidence-based PT treatments to help each one of our patients improve their physical condition, including conditions that cause neck and shoulder pain.

At Advent Physical Therapy, we know how much getting back into good physical health means to you. When you need help dealing with chronic pain, we’ve got you covered. Our physical therapists want to help you reach your unique goals. We’re a team-oriented group of professionals who work with each of our patients jointly to create the best outcomes for all. 

We value building relationships with our patients and helping them prevent pain and injury from occurring, even years from now. If you think you may be interested in starting treatment with us, let us provide a free screening to help us address your health.

Contact our team today for more information on how we can help with chronic pain or to schedule an initial appointment with us.