Common injuries from slip accidents at work in Ada, MI

Slip Accident at Work

According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), work-related slip accidents cost companies about $70 million every year. One reason these accidents cost so much is that they can lead to many different injuries. Here are three common injuries you could get from a slip accident at work in Ada, Michigan: 

1.   Elbow, wrist and hand injuries

Elbow, wrist and hand injuries are common after a slip at work, and this is primarily because most people will try to catch themselves when they fall. This action can cause many different injuries. For instance, you could strain an elbow tendon or break a bone in this joint. Also, you might damage the median nerve in your wrist, and this is likely to lead to carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain. Hand injuries can also come from a slip accident since landing on your hands can break bones, strain muscles and stretch tendons more than normal. 

2.   Back injuries

A slip accident at work can also lead to different types of back injuries. One example is that such an accident can strain or tear a muscle in your back. This can lead to back pain and many other symptoms. Falling on your butt can also increase stress on the discs in the lower back. The higher level of stress can cause the outer layer of a disc to tear, and in turn, this allows the disc interior to poke out. When a disc is damaged in this way, it’s called a herniated disc. 

3.   Knee injuries

Slipping at work can also do bad things to your knees. The sudden change of direction could tear a ligament in your knee, and this can cause a lot of knee pain. Also, the impact of your knee hitting the ground could cause a tear in the cartilage of your knee. For instance, the meniscus, which provides cushioning for the bones in the knee, can be injured by such an impact. A hard impact with the ground after a slip could also cause the kneecap to move out of place, and this can affect the mobility of your knee. 

Advent Physical Therapy can help with slip accident injuries in Ada, MI

Advent Physical Therapy has a clinic in Ada that can help you treat slip-related injuries from work. Our team will perform a free screening as the first step of your treatment. This step is intended to help us figure out what injury you have and how it’s affecting you. Next, we’ll build you a personalized treatment plan that may include therapy techniques such as: 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment if you recently injured yourself in a slip at work.