Four common reasons workers feel knee pain and stiffness

Knee Pain and Stiffness

There are many things that people associate with their work. A steady paycheck and, ideally, a sense of accomplishment, for instance. However, many workers may also associate their daily tasks with knee pain and stiffness. 

This association isn’t that far-fetched. People in physically demanding jobs can put a lot of stress on their knees. One medical study found that up to 30% of nursing home workers experience knee pain. Even people who have less physically demanding jobs can develop knee pain. 

Physical therapists can help workers learn some common reasons why they develop knee pain and stiffness. Additionally, these medical professionals can help treat work-related knee pain. 

These are four reasons that workers commonly feel knee pain and stiffness: 

  1. They aren’t used to certain movements — The COVID-19 pandemic put millions of Americans out of work. A Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report shows that in April 2020 there were about 18 million Americans who had been temporarily laid off. 

Many workers are now getting back to work, but their bodies may no longer be used to movements that they used to do regularly. One sign of this can be pain and stiffness in the knees after working all day. 

  1. They’re doing repetitive movements — Anyone who has written and addressed thank-you letters after their wedding knows how much repetitive movements can make you ache. Many jobs require that you do repetitive movements. When these movements involve your knees, they’re likely to cause these joints to feel stiff and achy. 
  1. They’re not using protective gear — Carpet layers and plumbers are just a few of the professionals who end up spending a lot of time on their knees. This could mean feeling pain in the knees if they don’t use protective gear. For instance, these workers should consider wearing knee pads or putting down protective cushioning before kneeling down to work. 
  1. They spend prolonged periods of time sitting at their desk — Prolonged sitting/time with your knees bent can lead to patellofemoral pain and stiffness.

Workers can find help for their knee problems at Advent PT

Does your work often leave you with stiff, aching knees? Our team at Advent Physical Therapy is ready and willing to help you address your knee symptoms and their root cause. We can start by doing a free screening on your knees to determine the source of your symptoms. Our physical therapists can then create a therapy plan that’s unique to your condition and needs. We can even help workers treat their knee issues right in their own home thanks to our virtual therapy and at-home care services. 

Contact our team today for more information about our work injury services or to schedule an initial appointment to start treating your painful knees.