How can physical therapists help when you’re injured and collecting workers’ compensation?

Injured Workers Compensation

Annually, over a million people are excused from work due to workplace injuries, according to the CDC. Even though a workplace may seem secure and safe, accidents and injuries can still happen. Many of the treatments you’ll need to recover from an injury are covered by workers’ compensation. 

When considering how to recover from a work injury and receiving help with injured workers’ compensation, physical therapy may be the right choice for you.

Ultimately, physical therapy offers individuals the chance to be proactive about their safety by identifying imbalances in their bodies and risk factors that can negatively impact their abilities at work. Physical therapists can help diagnose and address these problems. If an injury has already occurred, a physical therapist can help restore a person’s function by using work-specific strengthening and conditioning activities. These types of activities focus on helping restore a person’s ability to do their job-related tasks with a lower risk of reinjury.

Work injuries that patients may receive injured workers’ compensation and physical therapy for:

  1. Tendinitis (inflammation of a tendon).
  2. Amputation.
  3. Fractures.
  4. Neuropathy and nerve injury.
  5. Concussion.
  6. Repetitive-strain injury (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome).
  7. Severe strains and sprains.
  8. Back pain.

What you should bring to your appointment

  • A doctor’s referral — When you go to physical therapy, you’ll want to bring a doctor’s referral, an insurance card or your benefits statement. It would be best if you also got any doctor’s notes from your initial visit with them (and any other medical records).
  • Insurance adjuster info — A claims adjuster is responsible for determining the company’s liability in an insurance claim.
  • Injury date and your employer information — Accurately document the date of your injury and your employer information.

How do physical therapists work with adjusters and primary care physicians?

Physical therapists often work with insurance companies to help patients get the care they need. In addition, physical therapists work with primary care physicians to diagnose and treat patients. 

How do physical therapists help with work-related injuries?

Together, you and your physical therapist will work toward the goals set in your workers’ compensation evaluation. Physical therapists use a variety of therapies to help patients recover from injuries and improve their mobility. Their treatment plans are specific to your circumstances and injury.   

Turn to Advent Physical Therapy for effective treatments for work-related injuries

If you have been hurt at work, contact us at one of our West Michigan clinics for a one-on-one consultation and full assessment. We have committed, skilled physical therapists who want to help you get back to work as soon as possible.