How can virtual physical therapy benefit you?

Virtual Physical Therapy

The past year has caused many in-person services to move into the virtual space, and physical therapy is one such service. 

Virtual physical therapy, or virtual PT, was a service that 78% of Americans claimed they’d be willing to use as far back as 2017. The recent issues that COVID-19 has caused has only increased the use of virtual PT and other virtual medical services. Fortunately, there are many benefits that virtual physical therapy can offer, and a physical therapist can help you learn more about some benefits this service can offer you.

Four benefits that virtual physical therapy can offer you

There is a much longer list of benefits that virtual physical therapy can offer than you might believe. Some benefits that this service can offer you include: 

  1. Reducing pain — Finding a way to decrease their pain is one reason people are often willing to try virtual PT. Fortunately, the odds are excellent that working with a physical therapist virtually can help you meet this goal. One virtual PT provider reports that 93% of patients who used virtual PT had decreased pain afterward. 
  1. Decreasing physical therapy costs — Medical services, including physical therapy, can cost a lot. Often, high costs are one reason people don’t go to physical therapy or do fewer therapy sessions than they should. A benefit that virtual PT offers is lower costs than in-person services. A study of virtual PT for patients undergoing rehab after a knee replacement found that they saved $2,745 on average compared to those who had in-person therapy.
  1. Improving scheduling times — It can sometimes take weeks to get an in-person appointment with some medical professionals, including physical therapists. Yet trying virtual PT can help reduce how long it takes for you to schedule a session. In fact, a virtual PT provider reports that patients who used their services had 60% faster scheduling. 
  1. Increasing therapy adherence — Although many physical therapists provide at-home exercise programs for patients to use between therapy sessions, many patients neglect to do their exercises regularly. Studies show that patients who use virtual PT services are much more likely to adhere to their home exercise plan. One such study reveals that exercise plan adherence increased from 3.3 days per week to 5.9 days per week for patients who used virtual PT. 

Find beneficial virtual physical therapy from Advent PT

Ready to try out virtual physical therapy and see how it can benefit you? Our team at Advent Physical Therapy is ready and willing to help you find the virtual PT you need. We’ve partnered with Agile Virtual Care to provide our new patients with top-notch virtual PT services. This partnership allows you to get all the benefits discussed above. In addition, our Advent PT team can still help you get effective in-person therapy services as well. 

Contact our team today for more information about all the therapy services our team offers or to schedule an initial appointment.