How long could a stiff neck last in Hastings, MI?

How Long Does a Stiff Neck Last?

Your neck does far more than just hold your head up, although that is important. It allows you to move your head in multiple directions, and the neck also protects the spinal cord that transmits signals from the brain to the rest of the body. It’s not uncommon for people in Hastings, Michigan, to feel stiffness in their neck. However, answering the question, “How long does neck stiffness last?” depends on what the root cause of the stiffness is. Here are two causes of neck stiffness and pain that tend to last for different lengths of time: 

1.   Neck muscle strain

Straining a neck muscle is easier to do than you might think, and this injury often leads to stiffness in the neck. A strained neck muscle can happen in many ways. Some people get this injury from having their neck in a poor position while they sleep, but other people develop a neck muscle strain from an impact while playing sports. Poor posture while working on your computer or cellphone can lead to a strained neck muscle and neck stiffness as well. For minor strains like these, it’s typical for stiffness and other symptoms to last about 24 hours. However, stiffness from serious strains can take longer to go away. 

2.   Neck arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that can also cause neck stiffness. The vertebrae in your neck have joints called facet joints, and these joints allow your neck to bend and flex. However, the facet joints can also develop osteoarthritis like the other joints in your body. In most cases, neck osteoarthritis is the result of natural wear and tear on the facet joints, but it can also be caused by car accident injuries to the neck. Neck arthritis tends to cause neck stiffness that can last for many years, but there are options that can help reduce the stiffness in your neck.  

Find out how Advent Physical Therapy in Hastings, MI, can help decrease your neck stiffness

Advent Physical Therapy is proud to have a clinic located in Hastings, and our team here can help you treat many injuries and medical conditions, including neck stiffness. We offer free screenings that can help pinpoint the root cause of your stiffness. Our team is also experienced at building personalized treatment plans to reduce stiffness in the neck, and these plans often include multiple therapy techniques like: 

Take the next step to get our help with your stiff neck. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.