Looking for herniated disc in neck treatment in Grand Rapids, MI? Try physical therapy

Herniated Disc Treatment

A herniated disc can occur anywhere along your spine. This is a condition in which one of the discs between the vertebrae in your spine bursts, which results in fluid putting pressure on the nerves in your spine. A herniated disc at any location in your spine is painful and can limit your range of motion, but when it’s in your cervical spine (your neck), it can feel much more limiting.

Your spine has multiple responsibilities, including providing support for your upper body, protecting the nerves running from your brain throughout the rest of your body and providing a wide range of motion for bending and twisting maneuvers. A herniated disc can keep you from doing these activities, which makes it difficult for you to move your head around.

Health care professionals have a few different options when it comes to treating a herniated disc. In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary to treat the damaged disc and vertebrae. Others may need medication. However, most people with herniated discs can benefit from physical therapy instead.

Treating a herniated disc in the neck with physical therapy

Treating a herniated disc with physical therapy is beneficial because it’s not invasive and risky like surgery nor does it come with the side effects of drugs and medications. At Advent Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids, Michigan, we specialize in many forms of physical therapy to help people recover from herniated discs.

One of the main objectives of physical therapy for a herniated disc is to reduce pressure off the spine to give it space to heal. If you visit our clinic for herniated disc treatment in your neck, you can expect a personalized treatment that includes:

  • Exercises and stretches — Stretching and exercising help improve the flexibility and strength of muscles and ligaments around your neck and shoulders. This improves structural support for the spine, which reduces pressure off the herniated disc.
  • Manual therapy — Soft tissue mobilization and joint mobilization involve the use of your physical therapist’s hands to gently mobilize and manipulate the tissue and joints for reducing pain and improving your range of motion.
  • Posture guidance — Poor posture can contribute to the development of a herniated disc and an increase of pain while attempting to recover. Physical therapists can help you improve your posture to help reduce pain and prevent other discs from herniating due to increased strain on your spine. 

Visit Advent Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids, MI, for herniated disc treatment

A herniated disc can prevent you from enjoying many of your favorite activities with family and friends. Our team at Advent Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids can help you get back to doing what you love. Contact our team today for more information about herniated disc treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.