Physical therapy for arthritis: When to see a PT

physical therapy for arthritis

When you’re feeling sick or in pain, one of the first courses of action should be to book an appointment with a health care provider. There are health care specialists for every type of medical condition or issue that you can think of. When it comes to arthritis pain, which affects tens of millions of people in the U.S., a physical therapist can help.

Even when we know that a health care professional can be helpful, it’s not always easy to determine when it’s time to see one. Read on to learn why and when you should seek physical therapy for arthritis. We’ll also discuss particular physical therapy techniques that may be used. 

Why people should try physical therapy for arthritis 

Arthritis refers to more than 100 conditions that cause joint inflammation. It affects approximately 1 in 4 adults in the U.S., which adds up to more than 50 million people. 

Arthritis can cause pain and stiffness in your joints, making it difficult to carry out your daily activities. It can develop in nearly every joint in the body, but it’s especially common in areas like the hands, knees and hips. While there isn’t a cure for arthritis, there are many treatment options that can alleviate the symptoms. That’s where physical therapy comes in..

Physical therapy helps people with arthritis in a variety of ways, including:

  • Alleviating pain.
  • Restoring physical abilities.
  • Increasing the area’s strength, flexibility and range of motion.
  • Improving affected joint function and mobility.
  • Showing you exercises that can improve flare-ups between sessions.
  • Teaching proper body mechanics.
  • Providing recommendations for assistive devices.

When to see a physical therapist for arthritis

It’s not always easy to admit when you’re struggling, or when you need help. But when your arthritis symptoms make it difficult to carry out simple movements and activities, it’s time to try physical therapy for arthritis.

While many causes of pain are temporary, such as a muscle strain, arthritis is not. It’s a chronic condition that can flare up unexpectedly and affect your overall quality of life. That’s why it’s important to not only treat your current symptoms, but also learn how to reduce them in the future.

It’s time to try physical therapy for your arthritis when: 

  • You’re experiencing consistent or worsening pain in your joints.
  • You’re having difficulty completing everyday tasks, such as getting dressed.
  • Your symptoms are making it difficult to sleep.
  • Pain medication isn’t effective.

Physical therapy techniques that may be used for your arthritis 

During your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will assess your arthritis and make a personalized treatment plan based on the severity of your symptoms, your medical history and physical capabilities. 

There are many different techniques that a physical therapist may use for your arthritis, including:

  • Joint protection techniques — The goal of joint protection is to teach you how to adapt your body and movement patterns to reduce the stress placed on your joints that can cause arthritis pain and stiffness. A physical therapist can show you effective joint protection techniques, such as proper joint positioning while carrying out daily tasks.

  • Targeted exercises — The most effective ways to improve arthritis symptoms are stretching and strengthening exercises. A physical therapist will show you safe and effective exercises that will not only alleviate your pain, but also improve your strength, flexibility and range of motion.

  • Manual therapy — A physical therapist is likely to try manual therapy techniques to reduce pain and increase mobility, such as joint mobilization. It involves them using their hands to gently stretch the muscles by moving the joint around and loosening up the soft tissue.

  • Aquatic therapy — This type of therapy is helpful in managing arthritis, as the buoyancy of the water alleviates pressure placed on the involved joints. The water provides resistance to movement, which can assist in strengthening the muscles surrounding the joint as well.

Advent Physical Therapy can help when it’s time to find physical therapy for arthritis

No matter where you feel it in your body, arthritis can make you want to do nothing except lie down until the ache goes away. Since life doesn’t stop for your pain, it’s important to take the steps needed to alleviate the symptoms so that you can carry out your daily responsibilities. 

When you’re ready to tackle your arthritis symptoms, Advent Physical Therapy is here to help. Our Aquatic Center in Kentwood, Michigan, is ready for anyone interested in seeing the benefits of aquatic therapy on your joints! We’ll design a treatment plan specifically for your needs, with treatments like joint mobilization and strengthening exercises; you can be sure that every technique we use is safe and effective for your body. 

Call us or request an appointment today when you’re ready to seek physical therapy for arthritis.