Rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms to pay attention to

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Tendinitis is a condition that involves inflammation of one or more tendons in the body. Although it can affect tendons nearly anywhere on the body, it commonly develops in shoulders that are overused. In some cases, it develops in the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Rotator cuff tendinitis is common in overhead athletes, like baseball or volleyball players. This condition can affect anyone, though. Do you suspect that the pain you’re experiencing may be due to tendinitis in your shoulder? Here’s what you need to know about the top symptoms and treatment. 

What are the symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis?

There are many symptoms that indicate the presence of tendinitis in the rotator cuff. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Pain in the shoulder — One of the most noticeable symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis is recurring pain in the shoulder. The pain associated with this type of condition is most often described as pain that occurs toward the front of the shoulder and radiates down the side of the arm. Someone with rotator cuff tendinitis may find it hard to lift their arm and shoulder. Patients with this condition often experience pain during even the smallest of movements. 
  • Swelling in the shoulder — Another common symptom that those with rotator cuff tendinitis experience is swelling. Inflammation in the rotator cuff tendon can cause not only pain but also swelling. The swelling may cause limited mobility but is not often apparent to the casual observer. 
  • Clicking or popping noises in the shoulder — It’s not uncommon for someone with rotator cuff tendinitis to experience symptoms like unusual sounds coming from the shoulder. Particularly when lifting their arm, a person with this condition might hear clicking or popping noises. 
  • Limited mobility in the shoulder — Limited mobility is another common symptom in rotator cuff tendinitis cases because of the pain and swelling. It’s common for people with this condition to experience inflammation to a degree that affects their ability to use their arms fully. Someone with inflammation in their tendon might report stiffness. They may notice that their range of motion is less than normal.
  • Weakness in the arm and shoulder — It is also normal for someone with rotator cuff tendinitis to report symptoms like weakness. It may be difficult to lift the arm and shoulder or to grasp objects due to the weakness in the shoulder.

Can physical therapy improve rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms?

Did you know that physical therapy can improve rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms? Physical therapy can help in the following ways:

  • Reducing inflammation — One of the top ways that PT can improve rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms is by reducing inflammation. Your physical therapist can use manual therapy and gentle exercise to encourage blood flow to your injured shoulder. This promotes faster healing. Increased blood flow can also reduce any pain and swelling from inflammation. 
  • Building muscle strength — Another way that PTt can help rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms is through strength-building exercises. Although your physical therapist may not be able to strengthen a tendon, they can strengthen the muscles around the tendon for better support and protection.
  • Avoiding aggravating the tendon — Your physical therapist can treat your rotator cuff tendinitis without aggravating your shoulder even more, which is a major benefit. They have a stockpile of exercises and intentional techniques that can be used to build strength and reduce inflammation without placing any more stress on your shoulder. 
  • Improving recovery time — An added benefit of physical therapy for your rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms is that it can reduce the amount of time it takes for you to recover. People who opt not to use physical therapy or who do not finish treatment are more likely to re-injure themselves or exacerbate their symptoms. However, going to regular physical therapy sessions increases your chances of an efficient recovery. 

Need relief from your rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms? Advent Physical Therapy can help

Are you struggling to manage the symptoms of your rotator cuff tendinitis? Our physical therapists can help you get the relief you’re looking for. At Advent Physical Therapy, we use a variety of evidence-based PT treatments to help each of our patients improve their physical condition, including conditions that affect the shoulder.

Our patients’ health and wellness are our first priority at Advent Physical Therapy. We understand how much improving your shoulder’s physical condition means to you. We’ve got you covered. Our physical therapists want to help you reach your unique goals. We’re a team-oriented group of professionals who work with each of our patients jointly to create the best outcomes for all. 

We can create a treatment plan to optimize your shoulder function. We value building relationships with our patients. We strive to help them prevent pain and injury from occurring, even years after treatment with us. Are you interested in getting treatment for your shoulder condition and its symptoms? Let us provide a free screening to help you address your health.

Contact our team today for more information on how we can help your shoulder or to schedule an initial appointment with us.