Three issues that cause loss of balance in Grand Rapids, MI

Loss of Balance Causes

Your ability to balance is possible thanks to many different parts of your body. These parts include the inner ear, the joints, the brain and more. An issue with any of these body parts can lead to people in Grand Rapids, Michigan, losing their balance more often. Three issues in particular are often related to increased loss of balance. 

1.   Ear infection

The inner ear is one important part that allows your body to balance itself, and an ear infection could be the reason you’re having a harder time balancing. The inner ear is home to a structure called the cochlea. This structure looks a bit like a snail shell, and it’s filled with fluid that moves around as your head moves. The movement of the fluid in the cochlea pushes against tiny hairs. The movement of these hairs sends nerve impulses to the brain that help you keep your balance. An inner ear infection can lead to a higher likelihood of losing your balance. The reason is that ear infections cause disruptions in the inner ear that makes it harder for the cochlea to do its job. 

2.   Head injuries

Head injuries are a common type of sports injury, and they can cause issues that make keeping your balance a chore. An example is that an impact to the head can cause a concussion. This is when the brain runs into the inside of the skull. In turn, this impact can lead to bruising and swelling that can affect the functioning of the balance center in the brain. Concussions can also lead to feelings of vertigo, and this sensation can lead to more instances when you feel like you’re losing your balance. 

3.   Arthritis

Issues with the inner ear and brain can make it harder to keep your balance, but issues with your joints can also decrease your ability to balance. The most common of these joint issues is arthritis. In many cases, the cartilage in your joints wears down over time, and this leads to joint stiffness and pain that can affect your balance. These symptoms can also make it harder for your body to react when you feel like you’re losing your balance. In turn, this can lead to an increase in falls, which is particularly dangerous for older people. 

Advent Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids, MI, can help you deal with issues that cause loss of balance

Nobody wants to feel like they’re going to lose their balance when they move around. Advent Physical Therapy has a clinic here in Grand Rapids that can help you find ways to treat balance issues. We offer free screenings to help you learn the source of your balance problem. Our team can also create a treatment plan for you that’s designed to improve balance, and your plan may include therapy techniques such as: 

Take the next step to start addressing the issue that’s causing you to lose your balance. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.