Where your lower neck is and why you may be feeling pain there

lower neck pain

Have you noticed a persistent feeling of pain in your lower neck? Neck pain is a prevalent condition that affects an estimated 30% of adults in the United States. The cause of neck pain can be attributed to any number of conditions and can be especially pesky when it doesn’t disappear with time. 

The lower neck consists of the collarbone, trapezius muscle, lymph nodes, cervical spine, and several other nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, and muscles. Pain in the lower neck can lead to difficulty performing daily activities and routine movements. It may make it difficult to turn the head, move the shoulders, and look up or down. Look through some of the possible causes of lower neck pain and specifics about how physical therapy can improve that pain.

What are some reasons why someone might experience pain in the lower neck?

There are several possible explanations for pain in the lower neck. Some of these include:

  • Poor sleeping position — One reason why someone might experience pain in their neck is because they lie in bed in a poor sleeping position each night. Sleeping with an unsupportive pillow or in a fetal position can lead to pain and discomfort in the neck.

  • Poor posture — Another reason why someone might experience pain in the base of their neck is if they have improper posture. Slouching or hunching over places unnecessary strain on the spinal column and the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints in the lower neck.

  • Muscle strains — Muscle strains are another reason behind pain in the lower neck. Lifting objects that are too heavy or too frequently performing the same movements with the neck can place strain on the neck muscles. Muscle strains in the lower neck are common among athletes and people with occupations that require frequent lifting, like movers.

  • Pinched nerve — Pinched nerves are another condition that can cause pain in the lower neck. Several nerves run through the lower neck and back. When one of these nerves becomes compressed by tissue in the body, it can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck and other related areas of the body.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis — It’s also possible for the pain in your lower neck to be caused by a condition called rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that can cause the body to attack the lining of its joints until the bones in the joint sockets eventually begin to rub against each other. Someone with rheumatoid arthritis might experience pain, swelling and stiffness in their lower neck.

Can a physical therapist help someone’s pain in their lower neck?

Yes, a physical therapist can help a patient experiencing pain in their lower neck. Here’s how physical therapy can help, more specifically:

  • Teach you proper sleeping positions — A physical therapist can teach you how to lie in bed at night during sleep properly. If poor sleeping positions are the root of your lower neck pain, they can show you how to lie to keep your neck from hurting. They can also recommend the right mattress type and pillows to support your spine and neck during sleep.

  • Improve your posture — Another way that a physical therapist can improve your neck pain is by correcting poor posture habits. If you’re at a desk for most of the day or you enjoy playing video games in bed, your posture could probably use some work. They’ll help you form healthier sitting and standing habits so that your neck pain improves gradually.

  • Build muscle strength — Physical therapy can also be useful for those with neck pain because it helps patients develop better muscle strength. If you have poor muscle strength or you have strained your neck muscles, building strength in that area can help prevent recurrence.

Let Advent Physical Therapy improve your lower neck pain

If you’ve got lower neck pain that just won’t go away on its own, our physical therapists can help. At Advent Physical Therapy, we use a variety of evidence-based PT treatments, like manual therapy and strength building, to help patients just like you get relief from neck pain every day.

Our patients’ health and wellness are our first priority at Advent Physical Therapy. When it comes to improving your lower neck pain, we’ve got you covered. Our clinic has some of the best physical therapists who aim to help patients reach their individual goals. We’re a team-oriented group of professionals who work with each of our patients to create the best possible outcomes. 

We use custom-made treatment plans to optimize your health, even years down the line. We value building relationships with our patients and helping them prevent pain and injury from recurring. Let us provide you with a free screening.

Call us or request an appointment today to address the cause of your lower neck pain.